Logistic Contractor introduces new graphic profile
Wästbygg Gruppen has been building for over 40 years and has evolved from a local company, into a listed company with a clear presence in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Logistic Contractor has been part of Wästbygg Gruppen since 2004 and since then, additional group companies operating under different brands have been added. To show that today it is a group consisting of specialized companies with strong brands, Wästbygg Gruppen changes its appearance from 28 March.
The Group currently includes Wästbygg AB, Rekab Entreprenad AB, Logistic Contractor AB and Inwita Fastigheter AB. To create an increased affilation for the Group and the various Group companies, while retaining the individual company names and brands, they will have logos with a similar appearance and a addition – Wästbygg Group.
For Logistic Contractor, this means that you get a new logo in which now only LC is printed. This abbreviation is already well established internally and in communication with our customers. However, the company name is still Logistic Contractor.
“Wästbygg Gruppen has in recent years grown and strengthened its business, as has Logistic Contractor. In interaction with that, it feels natural that we present a new logo and graphic profile. LC will continue to drive the development of sustainable and flexible buildings for logistics and industry and be a safe partner for our customers,” says Sandu Nylmon, CEO Logistic Contractor DK/FI/NO.
The switch to the new graphic profile will take place gradually during the year.